restoration restoration n. 返還; 回復, 復旧; 修復, 復元. 【動詞+】 Its restoration was completed in 1905. その復旧は 1905 年に完成した The tribe demanded the restoration of their lost territory. その部族は失った領土の返還を要求した Th
dc restoration DC restoration {略} : direct-current restoration 直流再生{ちょくりゅう さいせい}
repopulating endangered species and environmental restoration . 革新と持続可能性の 源にもなれます
regarded as a restorer of the bessidozan copper mine , he actively worked on environmental restoration by solving a smoke pollution caused by the sumitomo refinery in niihama in the meiji period . 「別子銅山中興の祖」といわれ、明治時代に住友新居浜精錬所の煙害問題の解決にあたり、環境復元にも心血を注いだ。